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Body Meets Soul Sessions (Sundays and Wednesdays Each Month)

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You are okay. Right now, as you are. 

Life is changing - in so many areas and so quickly. For a lot of us things are feeling unfamiliar and unsettled. Figuring out what is true can seem confusing. However, there is one constant and that is YOU. When you discover your own unique rhythms and truths, you begin to discern what is true for you and to live an authentic life, from the inside out.Body Meets Soul Sessions provide the time and space for you to come home to yourself through the creative process with weekly, online, silent creative support within a safe and sacred container, where you are free to create and discover your own wisdom again. 


Sarah Oblinger and Stephanie Gray meet you as you are, where you are with process art making in art journals or altered books. Using writing prompts, sensing exercises and stillness as a tool to meet yourself, you can cultivate the wisdom and courage to live your life as you want and as it is. Becoming real and tender with yourself thaws what holds you in place and integrates your body and soul. Wholeness is the goal; not perfection.

Here's What You Get

(We are currently offering Sunday Mornings AND Wednesday Mornings Or Choose Both!)

Each month your session will include:

  • 4 - 8 online silent studio sessions (the 2nd Sunday and Wednesday are longer and include group sharing) with a writing prompt/somatic explorations on Sunday and Wednesday mornings 9:30am - 10:30am CST (Sarah and Steph show up 15 minutes early for questions and conversation!) 

  • A monthly video created by Sarah and Steph that include a studio jump start with writing prompts, sensing exercises and studio conversations about their own process

    As a participant you will need a creative space set up in your home, affordable craft supplies. a solid internet connection and an old book to alter or an art journal.

    These weekly sessions are available in one month blocks. Enrollment is on-going so your start date can be the beginning of ANY month. As we navigate through the COVID-19 crisis, BMS will be using a sliding scale of $5 - $20 a month for both days.

Here's a Taste Of The Videos You'll Receive (Unedited directly after working in the studio )

Join Stephanie Gray and Sarah Oblinger for some writing, sensing and scribbling designed to bring you into the heart space as a jump start for your own creat...

Enrollment is on-going so your start date can be the beginning of ANY month. 

To register, email us HERE  Or via the Pay Pal button below (simply click the button then enter the amount you wish to pay - $5 - $20 - for the month), and we will contact you with more details

May 1

Friday Morning HeArt Journaling

May 6

Creative Flow Home Practice