I Love SoulCollage®
A few days ago I attended my first SoulCollage® workshop facilitated by Barbara Hadley.
Wow! I have always liked collage but using it as a way to access my inner knowing felt like I had been handed a magic key.
In the workshop we began to collage our first one or two cards for an eventual deck. This deck is completely unique and when finished will be a way I can connect with my truest self. The card I made in Barbara's workshop was my "Vision" card. What I really loved is after the card was made, we connected with a buddy, looked at our cards and just started speaking what the card had to tell us. My buddy wrote down what I was saying and I did the same for her. It was powerful! Here is what came out while I was looking at my card:
"I am the one who....sees in the dark and knows which path to take. I use the elements to guide me and see color where there is none. I see light in the field. I am still and available."
I am so excited to be joining forces with Barbara at Nectar with a weekend long workshop of SoulCollage and process painting in August! I can't think of a better way to connect with our creative knowing and I am curious to see what shows up.