A Full Moon Prayer

Oh Great Mother Moon…life is so tentative. Life is so beautiful and full of magic and love - great love and earth shattering loss because of the love. Sometimes the fragility of it all brings me to weep …hard into my chest, flooding my heart.

I so love the souls inhabiting these bodies that surround me now.
Furry body, that smells like the earth and nutmeg. Human body, that holds me tightly as toe touches toe under cool evening sheets.

 I do not want this to end….this love that I feel….finally defrosted from years of posturing and protecting. I do not want to have to start over in another life or lifetime.

It takes enormous courage to live from this feeling place. I grasp and cling to something that cannot be held for long. Will the wanting of more time ever leave? Maybe that’s what makes it all so heart-breakingly beautiful.

Oh, Great Mother Moon…thank you for this life and this defrosted heart. Thank you for the ability to move and navigate within this tenuous body that has begun to slow down. THANK YOU, for this form that still possess arms that can hold, the lips and breath to move words, fingers to type and eyes that witness your vibrancy.

May all sentient beings know love.

creative Self - discoverist craving more heart-centered living.


Sacred Freak-Outs


A Conversation From The Heart