I Have No Idea What's Going On

I have no idea what's going on.jpg

The more I can go with the flow of what is occurring in my life, the less I "know" what's going on or happening next or even what needs to be done until... I am right there, in the moment. 

It's been weird not writing copious To Do lists, as I've done in the past. There's definitely more of a chaotic feel to things leaving so much to "chance". But there's also this deliciousness in not knowing (because really, what did I truly know anyway?) It feels like there is room in between the cracks, allowing for some magic to seep in.

Don't get me wrong. I am not in a place where I'm living entirely like this day in and day out. However moments of this sublime freedom do seem to come along with more frequency.

I have no idea what the hell is going on....and I kinda like it!


creative Self - discoverist craving more heart-centered living.


Creating More Space In My Life


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