The Creative Flow: Jenny’s Blog

Creativity & Self Care
Creative expression is an ever-ready and available self-care tool that can hear, hold and transmute pain. I’m not just talking about painting…even a scrap of paper and a pen or marker can hold space for our innermost needs and invite expression, whether through drawing, writing, or both.

Painting as a Portal: Expressing—and ultimately befriending—your shadow side
"Process painting bring us to the honest and pure truth of the present moment, beyond time and space. It’s a portal that allows us to touch the unnamed truth of our being. That truth is paradoxical. We are both animal and we are Divine. We are darkness and light, yin and yang. We are raw, unbridled energy incarnate. Instinctual drives embodied in flesh. We are all of these things, plus those things we have not yet tapped. We are life itself expressing creatively, ever-curious of what the next brushstroke will reveal."

My Body is my Home
Our bodies are gifts. They allow us to move and express in this physical world. They allow us to feel pleasure and pain and ecstasy and everything in between. I am grateful for my body and I now do my best to take care of her... to feed her when she's hungry, soothe her when she's stressed, rest when she's exhausted, move and dance and play and pleasure her in every way. She is my vehicle for expression in this world. She is my home.

Courageous Love
This love is unconditional. Independent of conditions. It’s not fickle. It doesn’t judge. It sees with eyes of acceptance and embraces it all. It also is not dependent on people or accomplishments. Let me repeat: Not dependent on people or accomplishments! It does not have to be earned. (This is a tough one, at least for me.) It’s easy to project our love onto others that believe that they’re the source of our love. But in actuality, they are a reflection of it.