The Creative Flow: Jenny’s Blog

Creativity & Self Care
Creative expression is an ever-ready and available self-care tool that can hear, hold and transmute pain. I’m not just talking about painting…even a scrap of paper and a pen or marker can hold space for our innermost needs and invite expression, whether through drawing, writing, or both.

My Body is my Home
Our bodies are gifts. They allow us to move and express in this physical world. They allow us to feel pleasure and pain and ecstasy and everything in between. I am grateful for my body and I now do my best to take care of her... to feed her when she's hungry, soothe her when she's stressed, rest when she's exhausted, move and dance and play and pleasure her in every way. She is my vehicle for expression in this world. She is my home.

Tips for Self-Care
As a process painting workshop facilitator, I teach others how to use painting as a tool for mindfulness and self-discovery. The process arts can be a great platform for showing up to ourselves and creating space for the difficulties in life. But beyond the workshop setting, how can we show up to our most authentic selves in our day to day lives? Here are some suggestions of mindful and creative ways to take care of yourself.